Activity Reversal
The Activity component measures our preferred pace for action; how much physical energy we have (Usual score) and how busy we like our environment to keep us (Need score). High scores have energy in spades. They like to be busy and they are adept at creating activity in their environment. Low scores have to be more purposeful in how they use their energy since their natural reserves are lower. Let’s take a look at the underlying mechanics of an Activity Reversal.
Take a look at the examples above. In both cases, we have a situation where a person describes themselves as being a low activity person. This individual is not going to come across as having an energetic, forceful style. Instead they will be more purposeful in how they use what they consider their limited amount of physical energy. Again, what is interesting about this pattern is the unexpected higher Need. We would assume a low Activity person would need downtime, not too much on their plate and an environment where the individual can control the level of business. But alas, this is not the case. Our Activity reversal people do best when they are kept busy, when there is energy in the environment and most importantly, when activities are structured and imposed. These people are stressed not by too much activity but by too little. A lack of activity zaps the energy of our low Activity friend. They will find themselves becoming tired, fatigued and having a hard time finding the motivation to do anything. The problem is that we see this person as being low Activity. Then, under stress this person loses even more energy and appears to drag along. Our gut instinct is to back off on the imposed schedule and give this person less to do. And again, as is always the case in a reversal, our instincts our wrong and we continue the counterproductive cycle.
I happen to have a reversal on Activity myself. Even though I know this about myself I inevitably find myself trying to minimize the amount of scheduled activities I have resulting in a loss of overall energy for myself. I do best and find I have throngs of energy the busier I am. Over the years I have consultants mention that my Activity scores must be off the charts high when they see me at our conferences. I know that is not the case but during these marathon-like events my energy level soars.
Do keep in mind that while a busier environment yields a more energetic style you must still be realistic about the amount of energy you can expect from a person with an Activity reversal. After all, at the end of the day you are still dealing with a person who must be careful about how they expend their energy. I can go full-throttle for three days and be okay. But if this type of schedule became routine I would undoubtedly crash.
Do you have an Activity reversal? Have you had an “a-ha” moment with a client? I would love to hear about your experiences. Jump over to LinkedIn and let’s continue our conversation on reversals.