What does Organizational Focus measure? * Every person has some of all 4 job capabilities * Some people will show more intensity in all 4 areas * Others will show less intensity in all 4 areas * Longest bar or your bottom line color is your main focus * It is how you will influence, offer solutions and where you focus your attention * Think in terms of lenses stacked on top of one another – the longer the bar, the thicker the lens and the more impact it has; the top colors represent thinner lenses, which means they will have less impact |
If an individual has short bars, it is indicating that there is not a strong match with any of the 4 general color profiles. This may indicate that his/her behavior does not align with the general socialized patterns seen in society (norms) or conform to the typical Interest patterns. One way to confirm this would be to assess the number of Special Scores (Reversals). Another way would be to see if the individual displays a pattern of behavior for several Components not commonly seen in your everyday experience with Birkman data (i.e. High/High Esteem). Randomness in the Interests may also contribute to short Organizational Focus bars. When there is not a dominant concentration of related Interests, it may indicate that the individual is flexible in the types of activities s/he seeks out and not necessarily passionate about only one area. The challenge that most consultants convey is communicating to the individual that there is little job match because of the uniqueness of his behavior. It is important to remember that just because a person has short Organizational Focus bars, it does not mean he/she is not suited for certain jobs or cannot be successful. It indicates that he/she does not match what is typically seen in those specialized roles. It may be more difficult to adjust to roles and a diverse set of strengths will be needed to succeed within a given role. When the individual is asked about past jobs, he/she typically confirms this very thing. The goal of the consultant should be to capitalize on the unique strengths of the individual and help the individual to see how he/she can be successful. This type of individual can be an excellent liaison or bridge between departments in an organization. Due to the lack of intensity in any one color, the person is not burdened by the strong filters someone may have with an intense bottom line Blue bar, for example. Without a dominant filter, the individual will likely see the benefits and challenges of company direction from a variety of positions. Okay, then how do I understand the difference between all short bars and all long bars? Both will bring a strong “generalist” element to their choice of career, which can make it difficult to determine a specific career path, particularly for respondents with short bars. On the face of it, it looks as though the long bars are more desirable than the short bars. But the difference between the two respondents is more subtle than that. Someone with long bars may be a generalist, but there will still be a tendency on her part to think in terms of stereotypes for career path (and, what is more important, for th direction the organization should take). The respondent with short bars encounters the frustration of being unable to find a career path where he truly feels at home, but that very tendency permits him to think outside the box both from a career point of view and in terms of organizational focus. |
Organizational Focus Teambuilding IdeaChoose an event, project or issue the company or team is currently facing. Break the room up by their bottom line Foundation Color, i.e. all the bottom line Reds together in one group, all the Blues together in one group, all the Greens together and all the Yellows together. Ask each group to discuss the functions that coincide with their bottom line colors. Things to consider:
Regroup and ask each team to debrief on the functions discussed. Each group will likely list ideas that the other groups may have missed. |