By Cyndi Wineinger
Setting yourself above the rest may not always be easy, but it really pays off in the end. When you make that extra effort.. go the extra mile… pay attention to the small things, it makes a big impact! Sometimes, all it takes is a little creativity. Think outside the box. Recently, I read this great snippet that talks about just that:
“Tata offers a severance package guaranteeing salary for the rest of the workers’ lives, and it actually saved the company money. Nordstrom offers to accept returns even on products it didn’t sell, and it still improves the bottom line in increased sales. Sometimes the best solution isn’t obvious and is downright counter-intuitive. The Tata example is particularly creative! You might not have something as dramatic as impending company bankruptcy to solve but even your daily routine or a boilerplate presentation can use an injection of creativity. Is there something that can be done differently? If you were to change something at your company, what would it be? Is there a business opportunity or a promotion possibility in your idea?”
So, what about you? Whether it’s your personal career or the company or organization you lead, The Wineinger Company offers creative solutions for your unique situation and success strategies tailored specifically for you.
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