Birkman Components: Advantage

Components: Advantage What does Birkman mean by Advantage? The Need for Advantage – Approach to Incentives How you prefer to be incentivized. We vs. Me ADVANTAGE measures our drive for personal advancement, cautiousness about giving trust, and individual...

Birkman Components: Authority

Components: Authority What does Birkman mean by Authority? The Need to Speak with Authority How you deal with directing and controlling. Suggest vs. Tell AUTHORITY measures verbal dominance and includes persuasive interaction, speaking up, expressing opinions openly...

Birkman Components: Structure

Components: Structure What does Birkman mean by Structure? The Need for Structure in Planning and Organizing Following plans, finishing tasks, dealing with detailed tasks, using a systematic approach and their opposites. Flexibility vs. Structure STRUCTURE relates to...

Birkman: Acceptance

Components: Acceptance What does Birkman mean by Acceptance? The Need for Acceptance in Relating to People in Groups Talkativeness, enjoyment of people in groups, enjoyment of social laughter, approachability, and their opposites. Alone vs. Group ACCEPTANCE measures...

Birkman Components: Esteem

Components: Esteem What does Birkman mean by Esteem? The Need for Esteem in Relating to Individuals How a person may deal with (or prefer to deal with) approval-related topics, and how a person relates to other individuals. Issue vs. Person ESTEEM is the relationship...