Stress: Conflict Management, Developing a Procedure
Use the following exercise to guide your team in developing a conflict management procedure.
- To acquaint the team members with some guidelines for resolving conflict with another person by giving useful feedback.
- To help the team members develop their own procedure for managing conflict.
Time: Approximately 2 hours
- Process overview. (10 minutes)
- Defining and debriefing relevant Birkman data. (20 minutes)
- Each team member will be provided a copy of the Conflict Management Suggestion Sheet and will be asked to read over it. Each team member will also be given Birkman reporting and Birkman Needs At A Glance (10 minutes)
- Team members assemble in to sub-groups with paper, pens, and flipchart. Each sub-group will write a set of guidelines for conflict management that their team can use. The ideas in the handout from step 3 can provide useful starting points but each sub-group is encouraged to approach the task any way they like. (20 minutes)
- After all sub-groups are complete with the task the sub-groups will take turns presenting their guidelines to the total group and explain their reasoning behind their guidelines. (20 minutes)
- The facilitators will review the posted guidelines with the team and assist towards achieving consensus about which guidelines the team wants to adopt moving forward. NOTE: “consensus” in this context means that each team member can at least “live with” the guidelines decided upon. (30 minutes)
- The final agreed-on guidelines are written down and posted. One member of the team will write these agreed-on guidelines down to reproduce and distribute to all team members after the session.
- Concluding discussion by facilitators. (time permitting)