Management Scores
An important point to remember about the Management Scores is that Birkman does not measure skill or aptitude in any way. This means that a high score on a Management Style does not necessarily mean the person will be a good manager. The results only provide information about the style that will likely be seen by that individual.
Corporate Styles
Social Styles
Intellectual / Problem Solving Styles
The following pairs have scores that add to eleven. So, by definition, if an individual is high on one s/he will be low on the other.
Descriptions of Combinations of Thinking and Problem Solving Preferences
The following is a description of possible combinations of the intellectual/problem solving style scores.
Individuals with high scores on Conceptual and Global are strategic thinkers and are often comfortable with ambiguity. They can be quite patient when reflecting on all of the possibilities – even those that have little chance of actually coming to fruition. Open to new ideas, they prefer to consider all facets of a problem or issue before taking action. Their problem solving approach would often be considered more intuitive than fact-based. They consider it their priority to make sure that the problem has been thoroughly identified and defined. Then they move to take action on solving the problem.
Individuals with high scores on both Conceptual and Linear will use their imagination to solve problems, yet their imaginative solutions will be pragmatic. They couple a desire to act quickly with an ability to be creative. Their creativity will have an underlying logic to it that they can explain fairly easily. Drawn to complex problems, they are confident enough in their abilities to start work without a clear-cut plan and make adjustments on the fly. Their creativity helps them solve problems quickly, but their tendency to plan on the run makes it difficult for others to follow their leaps of logic.
Individuals with high scores on Concrete and Global look to facts and logic to provide them a sense of comfort in their problem solving. Nevertheless, these individuals are ready to take on large problems. Their inclination is to think they can solve big, sweeping problems in a short time. These individuals are good planners who will work hard to make sure their plan is carried through. The plan will need to have practical goals and objective to meet one of the criteria important to this group of people. Often, the objectives will be expressed in a numerical fashion. Time spent on planning is seen as a wise investment. Concrete-Global people are inclined to test their plan more against its underlying logic than against reality.
Individuals scoring high on both Concrete and Linear are practical and action-oriented. Their credo is “Give us the facts and get out of our way!” These individuals see the use of logic and hard analysis as valuable and necessary. On the other hand, they are impatient with the planning process and often question its value. They are at their best when the problem to be fixed can be readily analyzed and contain an element of urgency. Objective and pragmatic, these individuals are not drawn to problems just because they are problems. The problems need to have practical results if solved.
I really appreciate this page (Birkman Preferred Work Styles). I was Birkman certified in 2016 and increasingly use the assessment and reports in my work as an internal Organizational Development Coach. Since the Work Styles report wasn’t covered in our initial Birkman training, I’ve been looking online for a helpful, comprehensive explanation. This page works perfectly for that. Thank you for taking the time to provide this resource: it will help me as I continue to coach our Board, Management Team and Store Managers.